Briana Ripoli
You’re tired of feeling like thoughts about food and your body dictate how you spend your day. It feels like you cannot escape the voice in your head that tells you that you are not thin enough, you ate too much, and the most important thing about you is the way you look. Your body is not the problem. It never was. Our culture is structured to make us fit inside narrow constructs that oppress who we are. We will work toward body liberation. Body liberation is the freedom from social and political systems of oppression that designate certain bodies as more worthy, healthy, and desirable than others.
Brianna's work is informed by weight inclusive and fat activist movements. She is theoretically grounded in feminist psychology, somatic, and mindfulness approaches. She believes we all have the intrinsic ability to heal and can learn to hear our own voices of wisdom amidst the internal chaos. Theory aside, she orients towards relationship and collaboration.
Brianna is trained in Family Based Treatment (FBT), Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP), Radically Open Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (RO-DBT), the Neuroaffective Relational Model (NARM) for developmental trauma, and is certified in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy from Naropa University.
Learn more about Brianna here.
**Brianna is only offering telehealth services at Cultivate**